OPCSA Operaciones Portuarias Canarias

DATAVIEW implementation

  • #DSP
  • #Business Intelligence

Over a 2 months project, DSP installed, connected and delivered the first set of DATAVIEW reports, including the Terminal Departure Report (TDR) and in a second phase, provided full training services, enable OPCSA team to generate independently new own reports, KPIs and analysis from DATAVIEW database.

DSP DATAVIEW is a data analytics tool, based on Microsoft SQL Reporting and Analytics Services. DATAVIEW gathers through native N4 interfaces all operational data connecting to NAVIS N4 production replica database, with full guarantee of performance and stability.

Reports are based on a multidimensional database designed for data mining and reporting ensuring high performances.

Statistical data will always be on line for multiyear comparison and analysis, regardless of archiving and purging settings of N4.

“DATAVIEW was born from experience on operations with the idea to provide a friendly and quick solution to terminal planner and managers, struggling to analyse their data and use them as decision support enablers. DATAVIEW is complementary to N4 as it’s capable to generate complex reports of aggregated data, with key performance indexes customised for their specific needs.” Jenny Barboni, Head of Software Engineering of DSP

“We are extremely satisfied with DATAVIEW and with the professional support received by DSP on this project. We felt talking with pairs, not only with a technology solution provider but with terminal operations experts that could actually bring value in the definition of our reports and KPIs”. Captain Jan Nowak, CEO of OPCSA Las Palmas. We felt talking with pairs, not only with a technology solution provider but with terminal operations experts that could actually bring value in the definition of our reports and KPIs”. Captain Jan Nowak, CEO of OPCSA Las Palmass