Fundamentals of N4 and XPS Operations (4.X)
Foundation Course
5 days
DSP certificate of attendance
This five-day course offers beginners hands-on experience with the basic operational features and functionality of the Navis N4 Terminal Operating System. It is appropriate for all terminal personnel, including operations, IT, and management, who have completed the prerequisite e-learning courses in Stack Academy. It is a required prerequisite for further training in the more detailed, role-based curriculum, as determined by each learner’s individual job function and curriculum path.
1. Overall Goals of the TOS
2. Gate Operation and Configuration
3. N4 Security
4. N4 Settings and Flex Fields
5. Basic List and Recap Practice
6. Holds and Permissions
7. Yard Planning and Allocations
8. Service Events
9. Vessel Planning and Operations
10. Bookings
11. Projections
12. BAPLIE Processing
13. Vessel Views and Sequencing
14. Pre-defined Work Patterns
15. Vessel AutoStow
16. Rail Planning and Operations
17. N4 Mobile
18. N4 Reports
19. Equipment Control
Five days (40 hours), including student assessment.
Online Interactive E-learning (~30 minutes each):
Two weeks before the commencement of the course, access will be granted to Stack Academy for the following modules:
• What is N4? (FDN4.002)
• What is Topology? (UNN.003)
• N4 Unit Model and Lifecycle (UNN.004)
• How to Work with N4 Lists (UNN.005)
• How to Work with N4 Filters (UNN.006)
• How to Interpret Container Icons in XPS (UNX.007)
• XPS Graphical Yard Views: A First Look (UNX.008)
• Position Terminology & Labels (UNX.009)
• Intro to the Container Terminal Industry (FDIN.001) optional